Thursday, 20 February 2020

What it means to be Respectful

We are learning what it means to be Respectful means to us and we did a video with Paityn hope you enjoy the video.

Friday, 14 February 2020

The dangerous floffy

The Floffy
This Floffy is as tall as a giraffe as fluffy and a lion's mane and as careless as a frog.
I'm so lazy like a sandwich and as skinny as a twig but why is it white? BECAUSE it eats too much clouds, if you go near this fluffy he will most likely get spatted on, The reason why it eats so weird is because her mouth is broken ;_;

  • They can only be in one gender birl which is boy and girl
  • They die when they are 2000000000000000000000000000000 so very old

This is my story of my Floffy If you do seem to find this run and find shelter!

Thursday, 13 February 2020

Exceptions for Room 3

We have been learning about exceptions  and what we are supposed to do heres my DLO about what are the exceptions for writing in our school book.

Wednesday, 12 February 2020

My goals for Camp

Hi my name is Amelie, In two weeks we are gong camping with the year 6 im soooooo Excited because we are doing archery and im so happy also my  mums coming to that´s a plus!!
What do u like about camping!!!!!

Sunday, 9 February 2020

Wellington Trip 13/10/19

Today we walked down to the botanic gardens and we had to walk up a hill it didn't take long then we went to a cafe down the hill and then Coco and Luca also Tash, David we had some thing to eat then we went to the rugby field we played tag then we went to this fountain in the middle of this garden and it had ducks and ducklings they were so cute!

Friday, 7 February 2020

Hanmer Springs

In the holidays I went to Hanmer with my whole family, We camped there for 4 days. On the last night there we did a night time track in the forest my sister god a bruise on her face from a tree.