WALT: to keep our eye on the ball
Today for P.E we spilt into to year groups so the y5s and the y6s the year 5s did this bouncy castle thing while the year 6s played another version of cricket once Georgia whistled twice we swapped over and then we got a turn on the bouncy thing, what we did so we ran onto the bouncy thing one at a time and someone threw a ball at us at the same time and we are trying to catch it. I had many falls i grased my knee but i did get 5 catches. i think this was the funnest thing i have ever done in P.E. Here is a photo from the year 6s and year 5s.
What is the funnest thing you have down in P.E?
this is me when i did catch the ball
this is charlee a year 6
and this is Fletcher a year 5